Foundation courses, called "Studienkolleg" are offered at universities and universities of applied sciences. Not all higher education institutions offer these courses. The courses cover a variety of key topics to prepare students for specific subject areas.
If you take the "Feststellungsprüfung" (university qualification exam) at a university of applied sciences, you will only be able to study at a university of applied sciences afterwards. If you take the exam at a university, you can study at both. The international office at your higher education institution will help you find the right "Studienkolleg"-course and prepare you for it properly. There are different types of "Studienkolleg"- courses.
At universities
M-course (for prospective students of dentistry, medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, biochemistry, bioinformatics, biology and other medical, biological or pharmaceutical degree programmes)
W-course (for prospective students of business administration and economics (BWL and VWL) and other economics and social science degree programmes)
G-course (for prospective students of all humanities and foreign language degree programmes)
T-course (for prospective students of all natural science degree programmes, except biochemistry and biology, and other mathematical, scientific or technical degree programmes)